Friday, 15 April 2011

What is goin on....

Ok soooo, 50 cent recently bought an ubbertwitter app, which is called ubber50, 50 cent is taking over. i dnt think there is a business move he has made that has failed, remember earlier this year he bought stock in a company then tweeted about the future of said company which saw prfoit shares grow by over 100 percent, Mr.50 has the Midas touch. I think we need to start an official petiton to get 50 on Shark tank that would be interesting T.V.

Like 10 mins ago I saw a post on Twitter RE: a changing room fee WTH!!!!! Stores already shut fitting rooms down on boxing day, here is the link to the story
 I recommend all ladies shop in bike shorts and sports bras under your clothes if they wont let you in, change in the freakin aisle!!
I also heard of a retailers new policy of having customers re hang, fold and shelf clothing in stores. Ummm really thats not my job do i get an employee discount then???

Getting it started!

So this is my first blog post and I guess I'm a little late to be jumping on the blog band wagon, but oh well here I am.
This blog will contain the random thoughts of me, as well as interviews I do, new music I like and things I think are interesting. Please feel free to follow my blog or me on twitter OR you can join my FB group supporters of the MissInformed show. My show is currently on hiatus but will be back next month. In order to make it bigger and better I am looking for new music as well as a DJ to do a session, if interested get @ me!/MissInformd